Last month, we added the ability to track your custom assets in the MadFolio page of the MadCapX panel. We have now added the assets from into this system as well, although you are not able to select automatic price tracking at this time. The coins include Canada eCoin (CDN), e-Gulden (EFL), Cryptoescudo (CESC), Auroracoin (AUR), Russian Bitcoin (RUBTC), Sterlingcoin (SLG), Fujicoin (FJC), Pakcoin (PAK), and PrivateNess (NESS).
Community coins do not have a CEO or a company behind them that make the decisions. Usually there are several people coming up with ideas and ways to improve the coin. When people come together on a regular basis to make the community strong, the better the ideas will be. In relation to many of the coins listed above there usually are at least 2 or more people, who on a regular basis, are planning new ways to improve either their blockchain or their use case in turn that can create more value for the coin. One of the downfalls is that community coins are many times only 2 or 3 people who are doing most of the heavy lifting. You can help your community coin with development, getting the word out, liquidity (that means providing buy and sell support, not only selling), and connecting with the community. It does take some effort but it can be rewarding and fun.
All the best,
Madbyte Team